While studying the Newtonian law of physics during high school, something struck me about Newton’s 3rd Law which states: “For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction”.

This law, although very simple and intuitive to understand when applied to projectile systems like satellites for example, holds a deeper truth into it that is not just restricted to physics.

This law is more of a universal law, that can be extended to economics, politics, relationships, etc. For example, if a company raises the price of a product (action), consumers may buy less of it or switch to competitors’ products (reaction).

At first sight, it might sound surprising that Physics works very well to model things outside of bits and atoms, but during Newton’s days, scientific research was all done under the umbrella of Natural Philosophy, which was an attempt to understand the nature of our world and the role of human beings in it.

Physics, later on, evolved with the industrial revolution due to its importance in technology and manufacturing, and we’ve got accustomed to thinking of Physics as a science separate from what nowadays is called Philosophy.

What struck me with this observation is that maybe Stephen Hawking was right all along about The Theory of Everything. It seems to me that we’re actually missing something important and that maybe this whole universe can be explained with one equation that not only abstracts physics but also human beings.